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Am I Too Young to Undergo Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Charles A. Messa, III, MD, FACS

Posted May 30, 2018 in Breast Augmentation

Woman measuring breast sizeMany women know from a young age that they are interested in enhancing their breast size to achieve fuller, more voluptuous breasts. Although there are benefits in choosing to have this surgery at a younger age—you can enjoy your implants for an extended amount of time—there are some factors to consider before jumping in.

Has Your Body Stopped Developing?

Many surgeons will not consider performing breast augmentation surgery on anyone under the age of 18. Age, however, is only a number; it doesn’t always explain the whole picture when it comes to your unique situation. More important than the age on your driver’s license is this question: has your body stopped developing? It is essential to the integrity of your results that your body has completed its development prior to the surgery. From here, both you and your doctor can get a more concise picture of your aesthetic goals and how to best translate that desire to achieve results.

Are You Emotionally Ready for Surgery?

There are plenty of young women who claim to be confident in their willingness to dive into the realm of plastic surgery. While there is nothing wrong with that confidence, it is essential to determine if you are emotionally ready for this procedure. Despite its safety, surgery is no walk in the park and should be carefully considered. From the recovery period to the fact that you are making a likely permanent change to the appearance of your body, you need to be sure that you have the emotional strength to endure the procedure.

Breast augmentation, unlike many other forms of plastic surgery, comes with many options that will all slightly affect the final appearance of your breasts. Implant size, material, and placement are all parts of the procedure that require thought and consideration. Deciding on these factors is a good step to ensure that you are confident in your decision and the final result you are looking to achieve.

Are You Planning on Having Children Soon?

Although not mandatory, if you are planning on having children in the next year or two, you may want to consider postponing your operation until after you have had your children. While pregnancy and breastfeeding change your natural breast shape, it can also affect implants. Pregnancy and breastfeeding may change the way your implants sit and appear on your chest, and may eventually lead to the desire of revision surgery. Considering the likelihood of children ahead of time may save you from additional surgery.

If you are interested learning more about in breast augmentation, or if you are looking to find out if you are a good candidate, contact our office by calling 954-659-7760 or 877-250-8117.

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