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Lose Unnecessary Breast Weight

Charles A. Messa, III, MD, FACS

Posted March 09, 2015 in Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction in Weston, FL

Benefits of Breast ReductionWe all know the old adage that it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. Usually that tipping point is when it begins to cause pain and/or inconvenience. You’ve definitely had too much cake when your pants don’t button anymore or you’ve ran too many miles if you’re dry-heaving in a corner. But what about the parts of our bodies that society tells us bigger is better by idolizing actresses like Christina Hendricks and Scarlett Johansson? For many women an ample bustline makes them feel more attractive, but for others it’s impacting the quality of their lives.

Deciding if your breasts are too large doesn’t have to do with any finite number. You can’t say, “I’m a 40F, that’s just way too big.” It’s the body’s frame that is important when deciding a comfortable breast size. For women with very slight frames, a large C-cup may be too big for them, while larger curvy women can be completely satisfied with their DD’s. Only you can decide if your breasts are too large for your body.

Common Problems Associated With Overly Large Breasts

  • Physical pain or discomfort
    • Poor posture
    • Back and shoulder pain
    • Grooving in the shoulders from bra straps
    • Soreness from exercise
  • Emotional discomfort
    • Unwanted attention
    • Embarrassment
    • Feeling unattractive

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery reduces the size and weight of the breast by removing excess breast tissue and skin. To correct sagging that is often associated with large breasts, you may consider having a breast lift at the same time as your reduction. This way you aren’t only correcting size, but you’re also giving yourself a more perky bustline. If you are seeking breast reduction surgery to rectify medical-related complications, the surgery may be covered by your insurance. There is slight scarring that fades over time associated with breast reduction surgery. Many women find that the benefits outweigh the possibility of mild scarring.

Reduction in Pain and Discomfort

Breasts that are too large for a woman’s frame can cause poor posture because her body isn’t built to support the added front weight. Bad posture can lead to back and shoulder pain. By alleviating that frontal weight, you can begin to correct your posture and relieve back pressure. Many women remark that after their procedure they no longer suffer from chronic back pain.

Increased Pleasure Exercising  

Some women say that the size of their breasts keeps them from either exercising altogether or partaking in intense exercise. One reason being that they feel their breasts draw unwanted attention to them while they are working out, making them self-conscious. The second reason being that the aggressive movement of their breasts during the workout leaves them feeling sore. With reduced breast size you may find that exercising is now more comfortable both physically and mentally.

Feeling Attractive in Clothing

A common complaint by women is that large breasts affect the way their clothes fit. T-shirts fit too snugly over the top or dresses are far too revealing. For some women, overly large and undefined breasts lack cleavage and look sloppy in low-cut tops. Breast reduction can help women feel more attractive in what they wear and provide them with more clothing options than before.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Messa today to discuss if you are a good candidate for breast reduction surgery. Call 954.659.7760 or fill out our online contact form here.

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