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Butt Enhancement FAQs

Charles A. Messa, III, MD, FACS

Posted March 16, 2016 in Buttock Augmentation, Fat Transfer, Liposuction

It’s becoming increasingly more popular to have around, shapely butt. However, many women struggle to achieve a defined butt through exercise. A flat behind may be preventing you from achieving the attractive curves you desire. Butt enhancement can increase the size and improve the shape of your buttocks. If you are considering a butt enhancement procedure, you may have questions before deciding whether it’s right for you.

How is butt enhancement performed?

There are two types of butt enhancement. Butt augmentation uses silicone implants to increase the size of the buttocks. However, at Weston Cosmetic Surgery Center, we believe that fat transfer provides more natural, customized butt shaping than implants.

What is fat transfer?

Fat transfer harvests stubborn fat from a problem area on the body, such as the abdomen, hips, or thighs. The fat is then purified and injected into the buttocks. Under Dr. Messa’s control, the fat is evenly distributed throughout the butt to enhance the shape and increase the volume.

How long will my procedure take?

The length of your procedure will depend on the extent of correction you desire. Most procedures last several hours because liposuction, purification, and injection are performed in one sitting.

How will I feel immediately following my procedure?

You may experience some bruising and swelling at your liposuction and injection sites. You may wear a custom compression garment to reduce swelling and improve the healing process. You may experience some initial soreness, which can be treated using oral pain medication.

How long will my recovery take?

You will need to keep pressure off your buttocks for a month or two following your procedure. Most patients can return to work within three weeks. By this time, you can sit using a specialty soft pad to relieve pressure. You will be able to resume your normal activities after three months.

Does butt enhancement result in any visible scarring?

You may develop mild visible scarring at the site of your liposuction. However, most incisions are placed in discreet locations to mask their appearance. The fat is then injected via a needle into the buttocks, and scarring rarely develops.

If you would like to enhance the appearance of your buttocks, contact Weston Cosmetic Surgery Center today! To schedule your consultation, call (954) 659-7760 or fill out our online contact form.

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