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Can I Still Take Care of My Kids While Recovering From My Mommy Makeover?

Charles A. Messa, III, MD, FACS

Posted April 17, 2021 in Mommy Makeover

3 Minute Read: 

A Mommy Makeover is a major procedure that requires a significant amount of downtime. Many mothers may be concerned about taking care of their children while recovering. 

Your Mommy Makeover may include a tummy tuck, breast augmentation and/or breast lift, and liposuction. This combination demands adequate rest and avoidance of strenuous activity during recovery—which may last up to six weeks, depending on your specific list of procedures and extent of surgery.

Mother lying back on bed holding her baby's hand

Women consider Mommy Makeover surgery at many times in their lives. Many women wait for the procedure until after their kids are grown—perhaps their kids have gone off to college, and they have decided to spend a little time on themselves, or perhaps they are interested in re-entering the dating world. But some women choose to undergo this combined plastic surgery procedure when their children are still young.

The best time for a Mommy Makeover is whenever the time is right for you; however, if you still have little ones, you may have some extra considerations.

Will I Be Able to Take Care of My Kids as I Recover?

While your children are your shining light, and you love being a mom to them, it is important not to push yourself before your body is ready.

If you have small kids who require lifting, you will need to avoid doing this for a while. This will likely mean getting extra help with your kids for the first few weeks after surgery. 

You do not want to strain the muscles affected by your Mommy Makeover, as this could disrupt the incisions before they have had a chance to heal, delaying your recovery. Additionally, you could increase your risk of bleeding or infection.

This may be a good time for a close friend or relative to come for a lengthy visit. While it may be tough to imagine not picking up your little one(s) for several weeks, it helps to know that you will be close to your children to make sure they are well-cared for. Spend time with them on the couch next to you, and watch or read together for some good chilling time.

Bruising, swelling, and discomfort are a normal part of the recovery process. As your incisions heal and you feel better, your doctor will give you the go-ahead to lift again. Make sure you use proper form; squat, hold your child close, and lift using legs to avoid straining your chest and abdominal muscles.

How to Keep Kids Occupied

For older kids, it’s easy. A simple explanation of how you feel and asking them to help with a few tasks around the house can go a long way. This also helps them feel involved in your recovery.

For smaller kids, preparation is key. Plan out your space to include a safe play area where they can stay occupied and entertained. Get them toys, easy-to-eat snacks, comfortable pillows, blankets, and remain accessible to them while you rest to eliminate frustrations that can lead to tantrums. 

Recovery can be a good time to connect with your kids if you choose to work together and share in the experience.

Interested in Learning More?

If you have more questions about Mommy Makeover surgery as a recovering mom, we would love to hear from you. Contact us today at 954-659-7760 or 877-250-8117 or fill our online form to schedule a consultation and learn more.

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