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How to Get Your Ideal Breast Augmentation Results

Charles A. Messa, III, MD, FACS

Posted October 18, 2017 in Breast Augmentation

Messa Breast Aug Before and AfterWhile breast augmentation patients are not required to be experts on the procedure before they walk into a consultation, it certainly helps to have a realistic idea of what to expect. When you know the options available to you and the outcome you desire, you and Dr. Messa can arrive at your ideal breast augmentation results together. Below are some of the things that would be helpful to know before you take the initial steps.

Size Matters

The most common breast augmentation decision women regret is the implant size they chose. Consider the added weight of having larger breasts and how active you are, along with your overall comfort with the size you have in mind. Try the “rice test” to help you get a feel for the size you truly want and to gauge how this size may look in clothing. Most women wish they had chosen a bigger size. For some, very large implants would not be the best option due to a smaller chest width. Dr. Messa will help you evaluate these variables during your consultation.

What Overall Look Do You Want to Achieve?

There are breast augmentation options that provide a more natural-looking result, while there are others that will give rounder, more voluptuous volume. Every case is unique, but generally, teardrop-shaped implants and placement below the pectoral muscle will provide the more natural result. Round, large implants placed above the pectoral muscle will provide prominent cleavage and more fullness in the upper portion of the breast.

Consider Recovery Time and Scars

Scars and recovery time are a part of virtually every breast augmentation procedure. Most patients plan to take two weeks off from work, and they understand that some degree of swelling may be present even after that amount of time. The breasts may also sit high on the chest for the first several weeks before they “settle” into their permanent, more natural-looking position.

Scars with breast augmentation will be present unless more complex incision locations are chosen. Most commonly, scars are located either around the areola or beneath the breast along the natural fold of the skin. Though scars will be present, they are difficult to see and will fade significantly over time. Dr. Messa can discuss incision location options in greater detail during your consultation if any degree of scarring is a major concern for you.

All options for breast augmentation will have certain risks involved and will need to be weighed with the results you desire. Be sure to bring pictures of your ideal results to your initial consultation with Dr. Messa so that you can more fully discuss the results you can expect.

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