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Getting Used to Your New Breasts: What Should You Know After Breast Augmentation?

Charles A. Messa, III, MD, FACS

Posted April 05, 2022 in Breast Augmentation

4 Minute Read: 

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures each and every year. Many women desire larger and fuller breasts, and a breast augmentation can give women the body aesthetic they’ve been looking for. 

But once you have breast augmentation surgery, the changes can be a little overwhelming. Like any new thing in life, learning to live with your bigger breasts takes time.

Woman with post-op bandages around her breasts

After your breast augmentation surgery, you will have a new look and feel to your chest. This is definitely something that you will need to get used to, but once you do, you’ll be able to enjoy a more youthful look along with improved confidence in your appearance. 

However, before you can start enjoying the benefits of your new breasts, you need to make sure your body is fully recovered from the surgery. 

Here are some things to expect after your breast augmentation.

What Is Breast Augmentation Recovery Like?

While the exact recovery period varies with each patient, most women recover from their breast augmentation after four to six weeks. 

During this time, you may experience some swelling and bruising in your chest. This is completely normal and will dissipate within a few weeks. Additionally, you may feel soreness and tightness in your chest. This is also to be expected. 

Initial pain can be relieved with medication; however, if pain persists, then make sure to call Dr. Messa immediately. 

It is extremely important that you follow your post-operative instructions. This includes resting your body and refraining from any strenuous activity, including exercise and lifting anything of weight. 

Also, you will need to make sure to wear your prescribed compression garment (surgical bra) so that the implants settle into the correct placement on your chest. And you will want to make sure that you are sleeping in an elevated position — not on your new breasts.

What Should I Expect After My Breast Augmentation?

One of the most common concerns for women after their breast augmentation surgery is that their breast implants feel hard and/or they sit high on their chest. These are both completely normal and are expected. 

Your implants need time to settle into the correct position on the chest. The hard feeling of the implant is due to scar tissue. Essentially, your body needs to get used to this new addition, and you need to allow for that to happen. 

There are plenty of ways that you can help your body acclimate to your implants, such as: 

  • Eat healthy foods 
  • Drink lots of water
  • Go on short walks, easy walks to get your blood circulating
  • Wear correct clothing (including supportive, wire-free bras)

What Should I Wear After My Breast Augmentation?

You should make sure to wear loose-fitting shirts that are easy to put on and take off, including tops that don’t go over the head but rather button or zip. 

Also, it is so important that you wear your medical compression bra, which does not have underwires that may irritate the surgical sites. Another reason for wearing this bra is to keep your breasts and implants elevated (so that they don’t settle too low on your chest). 

You will be asked to wear this surgical bra for at least the first two weeks. At that time, you may be able to switch to a sports bra. Underwire bras should be avoided until your incisions have completely closed and healed.

At your post-op appointment, Dr. Messa will let you know if you need to wear the bra longer.

In the End…

Breast augmentation surgery can be one of the most transformative experiences you have. 

Your entire body aesthetic can be improved to let you wear the clothes you’ve always wanted but never had the figure for. It can also give you more confidence in the way you look. 

However, it will take some time to adjust to the new look and feel of your breasts. Remember that this is completely normal, and once your breasts are settled and you become comfortable with their placement, you’ll be ready to go out and turn heads for all the right reasons.

Before and after image showing the results of a breast augmentation performed in Weston, FL

You can see more transformations by visiting our breast augmentation before and after photo gallery.

Interested in Learning More?

If you have any questions about breast augmentation surgery or recovery, make sure to contact Dr. Messa by calling (954) 659-7760 or by filling out our online form here.

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