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How Can Breast Reduction Surgery Change Your Life?

Charles A. Messa, III, MD, FACS

Posted November 23, 2015 in Breast Reduction

Breast ReducationSome women don’t realize how significantly their lives are affected by their overly large breasts. Health problems, pain, clothing difficulties, embarrassment, and limited physical movement are only a few of the problems caused by oversized, cumbersome breasts. If you experience any of these issues associated with having overly large breasts, here is how breast reduction surgery can change your life.

Reduced Pain and Health Complications

Overly large, disproportionate breasts can cause headaches, neck pain, back pain, and shoulder pain. They can also cause rashes, skin irritation, shoulder grooves, poor posture, and even breathing difficulties and skeletal deformities. These consequences are due to the heavy weight of the breasts. Surgically reducing the weight and size of your breasts reduces this pressure and stress. Breast reduction surgery can effectively alleviate pain, discomfort, irritation, and other medical complications associated with large breasts. With reduced pain and health complications, your overall quality of life can improve dramatically.

Improved Proportions

Breast reduction surgery can reduce the size of overly large breasts so that they are more appropriately proportioned with the rest of the body. Where clothing used to not fit at all, be too tight in the chest yet too large in the waist or hips, always show cleavage, pop buttons open, or cause other unwanted problems, reduced breast size can make the experience of finding well-fitted clothes much more manageable and enjoyable. It can also make your clothing fit your body in a much more flattering fashion. Additionally, improved proportions can eliminate embarrassment, unwanted attention, and associated self-image issues.

Improved Ability to Exercise

Many women with overly large breasts experience pain or limited mobility while engaging in physical activity. One-third of women who participated in the 2012 London Marathon reported that they experience breast pain while exercising. If one-third of determined marathon runners experience breast pain during exercise, what about the rest of women? Large breasts could cause enough pain to prevent many options for exercise, which prevents women from reaping the benefits of regular physical activity. Some women do not realize how much more effectively they could exercise if they reduced the size of their breasts. Overly large breasts pose the problems of breathing difficulties, limited mobility, excess weight and pressure, and difficulty in finding a bra with the right amount of support. Breast reduction effectively reduces the size and weight of the breasts, improving your ability to exercise and move more freely.

Breast reduction surgery can significantly change your life. This procedure is considered a reconstructive surgery and may be covered by your medical insurance. If you experience pain, discomfort, embarrassment, limited mobility, or other issues associated with having large breasts, breast reduction surgery may be right for you. Call (954) 659-7760 or (877) 250-8117 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your consultation with Dr. Messa today.

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