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How to Prepare for Recovery After Breast Surgery

Charles A. Messa, III, MD, FACS

Posted November 12, 2014 in Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Breast Reduction, Uncategorized

get well soon teddy bearAlthough cosmetic breast surgeries like breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast lift, are very common and safe, they are all major surgeries that involve a recovery period.

Below are some helpful tips from Dr. Messa to make your entire recovery process as quick and seamless as possible.

Arrange for someone to care for you after surgery.

Most patients are still groggy from anesthesia for the first 24 hours after breast surgery and need someone to care for them. Routine tasks that involve bending, lifting, pushing, and pulling will be more difficult and should be avoided especially within the first couple of days. Therefore, it is important to arrange for someone to care for you after your surgery. Dr. Messa will provide you with specific postoperative instructions that you should share with the person taking care of you. These instructions will include what activities to avoid, when to take your medications, how to care for your incisions, and what signs may indicate an infection.

Get plenty of rest.

Patients should expect to rest the majority of the time for the first couple of weeks following breast surgery. Resting in the upright position (either in a recliner or lying down on your back with your upper body propped up) reduces swelling significantly for most patients.

Wear your compression garment.

Surgical compression garments are designed to make you more comfortable after surgery and to minimize swelling. You should wear your compression bra the majority of the time during the first couple of weeks after surgery.

Prepare meals ahead of time.

Preparing meals ahead of time that you can freeze and easily eat as you recover will be very helpful, especially during the first few days of your recovery. Or, you can arrange for someone who lives with you to make your meals. Be sure to stock your refrigerator and pantry with all the essentials before your surgery.

Put everything you need within reach.

Be sure to keep anything you may need within reach of your main area of rest. Tissues, blankets, pillows, snacks, napkins, books, glasses, phone, remote controls, device chargers, and whatever else will keep you comfortable when you’re resting and entertained when you’re awake.

Stop smoking.

Patients should plan to stop smoking at least three weeks before surgery and throughout the recovery process to achieve the best results. Smoking can lead to wound separation, raised scars, complications with anesthesia, and an extended recovery time.

If you are considering breast surgery in the Weston area, Dr. Charles Messa will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with detailed information about the procedure during your initial consultation. Please call (954) 659-7760 or fill out our online contact form today to schedule an appointment.

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