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Treat Yourself to Something Cool Before the Holidays

Charles A. Messa, III, MD, FACS

Posted October 19, 2018 in CoolSculpting®

While many are still clinging to the end of summer and the warm, sunny weather, it’s time to realize that winter, and therefore the holiday season, is just around the corner. It won’t be long before Christmas carols start playing on the radio and advertisements for all the best new gadgets begin to pop up everywhere. With the holiday season comes an endless line-up of parties and gatherings. It’s often the one time of year you see family members from across the country or finally meet up with old friends you haven’t seen in ages. Before you get too wrapped up in all of these celebrations, why not give yourself a little pre-holiday gift, one that will boost your confidence and let you shine all season long.

happy couple with Christmas hat on the beach

Truthfully, everyone wants to look their best before they see their families and friends. You go on last-minute diets and choose a new outfit. This is a normal, shared experience among many. This year, instead of wracking your brain on how to get rid of those fat pockets that won’t go away no matter how many sit-ups you do or carbs you cut out of your diet, why not try something else? CoolSculpting® is quickly becoming everyone’s favorite new trend in fat reduction. This FDA-approved, non-invasive, fat reduction treatment involves no downtime, scars, or lingering pain, and is completed in as little as a single afternoon.

CoolSculpting® Treatment Areas

Many patients have localized pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. While there are surgical options like liposuction for reducing these pockets, surgery isn’t a desire or even a possibility for everyone. For these patients, CoolSculpting® may be the answer, and it is proven to reduce fat pockets on the:

  • Abdomen
  • Inner thighs
  • Outer thighs
  • Flanks
  • Back

The CoolSculpting® Process

During your CoolSculpting® procedure, the applicator paddles apply fairly intense (but comfortable) cooling to freeze and destroy unwanted fat cells. This unique technology has the power to target only the fat cells, leaving the surrounding cells intact and unharmed. You may experience some cold-related tingling and numbness in the treatment area, but this should dissipate within a few moments. You can return to your normal activities immediately after. Over the following weeks, your body naturally eliminates the damaged fat cells.

Now Is the Time

While this procedure is performed in a single short session, the results are not immediately visible afterward. This is because your body requires some time for the damaged fat cells to be metabolized and eliminated. CoolSculpting® can take a couple of weeks to a couple of months to get rid of all the treated fat cells, so it’s a case of “the earlier you get it, the better off you’ll be.” As of now, you still have time for your CoolSculpting® treatment to take hold and for your new, slimmer silhouette to take center stage.

If you are interested in learning more about CoolSculpting® before the holidays, contact Dr. Charles Messa at (954) 659-7760 to set up a consultation.

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