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What Cosmetic Procedures Are Best for Post-Bariatric Patients?

Charles A. Messa, III, MD, FACS

Posted March 01, 2023 in Plastic surgery after weight loss

3 Minute Read: 

Significant weight loss from a bariatric surgery is something to celebrate. However, just because the numbers on the scale are lower doesn’t mean that you will look the way you’ve always wanted. 

Woman standing in front of mirror showing herself before weight loss.

This is because post-bariatric patients are often left with deposits of stubborn subcutaneous fat and unsightly sagging skin. The most frustrating part of this is that sagging skin cannot be eliminated through natural means. 

Instead, plastic surgery is the only way that you can achieve the smoother, fitter, tighter body that you’ve been wanting. 

Here are some of the most effective cosmetic procedures that you can have to achieve your desired weight-loss goals.

Top Post-Weight Loss Plastic Surgery Procedures

Tummy Tuck for Loose Abdominal Skin

Tummy tuck surgery is one of the best procedures for women and men who experience post-weight-loss sagging skin around the midsection. 

With this procedure, excess fat is removed with the aid of liposuction surgery, underlying abdominal muscles are tightened, and sagging skin is surgically removed. After your tummy tuck, you can look forward to a more contoured stomach that you can show off at the pool, beach, or around town.

Body Lift for Circumferential Skin Laxity

While a tummy tuck addresses post-weight-loss concerns in the abdomen, body lift surgery (also known as a lower body lift) is a plastic surgery procedure that addresses sagging skin and other concerns in the abdomen as well as the hips, buttocks, lower back, and thighs. 

With this procedure, sagging skin and the remaining fat in the lower portions of your body are removed, allowing you to achieve a thinner, leaner, more toned appearance.

Arm Lift for “Bat Wings”

The skin on the underside of the upper arms is one of the most prominent areas for sagging skin after massive weight loss. This condition (often referred to as bat wings) can detract from your physical appearance and keep you from wearing clothes you’ve always wanted to wear, like dresses and tank-tops. 

With arm lift surgery (brachioplasty), remaining fat is liposuctioned out of your arm, underlying tissue is tightened, and excess skin is removed to give you toned arms that you won’t be able to wait to show off to the world.

Breast Lift for Loose, Sagging Breasts

For women, one of the most frustrating results of weight loss surgery is sagging breasts. However, a breast lift elevates them to a higher position. 

For breast lift surgery (mastopexy), your plastic surgeon will tighten underlying breast tissue and remove excess skin, resulting in perkier breasts. Additionally, a breast lift can allow for the nipple-areolar complex to be repositioned so that it sits in a more central position. 

Ultimately, this procedure can help you look more youthful than you have in years. 

Which Procedure Is Right for Me?

While a tummy tuck is the most popular procedure for many patients, it only addresses concerns in the abdominal area. However, by combining some of the procedures discussed above, you can achieve the complete transformation you desire so that you can truly enjoy your weight-loss results.

Want to Learn More About Post-Weight Loss Body Contouring?

If you have lost significant amounts of weight from bariatric surgery and you want to achieve the contoured physique you’ve always wanted, please call us at (954) 659-7760 or fill our online form. We’re looking forward to helping you look and feel your very best!

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