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Breast Reduction in Weston, FL

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Are large, cumbersome breasts preventing you from living the life you want?

Many women who have breasts that are disproportionately large feel that their breast size negatively impacts their quality of life and prevents them from engaging in activities that they love. Large breasts can be a source of embarrassment for some women, affecting their overall confidence and comfort in their appearance. Women choose breast reduction surgery to improve the size and shape of their breasts while enhancing their overall physique.

Who Can Benefit?

Breast reduction surgery is customized to each patient to provide tailored results. The technique that is right for your breast reduction will depend on the current size of your breasts as well as your ideal look.

Naturally Large Breasts

Women with naturally large breasts are often plagued with neck and back pain their entire lives. For many young women, their large breasts bring them unwanted attention or make them feel undervalued. You must be over 18 years of age to undergo breast reduction surgery, and there has been an increase of women in their 20s and 30s undergoing breast reduction surgery to achieve the breast shape they desire.

Enlarged Breasts Following Weight Gain

Weight gain, even if you have since lost the weight, can often increase the size of your breasts. Some women feel that these enlarged, cumbersome breasts impede their ability to lose weight, as they make exercise and other physical activities uncomfortable. Increased breast size can also lead to skin irritation. Breast reduction surgery can help restore a more balanced breast appearance and improve patient comfort.

Post-Pregnancy Breasts

Women often find that their breasts dramatically increase in size during pregnancy. While some women lose the additional breast size following childbirth, many retain the larger size. Many women following pregnancy wish to restore the appearance of their pre-baby body, and they feel that their new breasts no longer have that perky, youthful quality they desire. Breast reduction surgery can improve the shape of your breasts in addition to reducing their size.

What Do You Desire?

Woman in a black sports coat and bra

Reduced Pain & Discomfort

Shoulder grooves, skin rashes, headaches, and backaches are just a few examples of the pain experienced by women with overly large breasts. The heavy weight and pressure on your chest can cause chronic pain or discomfort and can even lead to poor posture and skeletal deformities. Breast reduction surgery reduces the weight and size of the breasts to relieve this pressure and help you live a more pain-free life.

Improved Body Shape

Oversized breasts may make you look top-heavy, and they can also make you look overweight when you are not. Breast reduction can take oversized breasts down a notch so that your body shape looks more proportionate and balanced. This can help you to look and feel more beautiful and self-confident.

Correction of Sagging

Breast sagging is common among older women, but many younger women experience it due to oversized breasts. The weight of the breasts pulls them down, slowly stretching the skin and causing them to sag prematurely. Breast reduction can keep the breasts looking perky and youthful by reducing the weight and pressure that leads to premature breast sagging.

Easement of Anxiety

It is all too easy to feel emotional or social anxiety when you feel like something is “off.” If you have noticed that your breasts are much larger than those of the women around you, it may make you feel uncomfortable or out of place. You may receive unwanted attention so frequently that just going out in public causes you to feel anxious. Breast reduction decreases the size of your breasts so that there is no reason for you to feel this anxiety and emotional discomfort because of them.

Addressing Your Concerns


It is common to experience some bruising and swelling following breast reduction surgery. You may feel some discomfort that should subside within the first 24 to 48 hours. A specialty support bra should be worn for several weeks. During the first week following your procedure, you will rest with your chest in an elevated position to improve circulation and minimize swelling.

Most patients return to work within one to two weeks depending on the extent of the procedure. You will need to avoid strenuous physical activities for two to three weeks following surgery. You will be advised as to when you can resume your regular exercise routine.


The amount of visible scarring will depend on the incision technique used for your breast reduction. Sutures are located beneath the surface of the skin in multiple layers to mask the incisions. Any scarring that does develop is likely to fade over time.


Achieving natural, beautiful breast reduction results requires the skill and dedication of your surgeon, and the cost of your breast reduction may reflect this. The cost of each procedure is decided on a patient-by-patient basis because many factors can affect the price of your breast reduction. Surgical fees, facility fees, anesthesia fees, and technique can all impact the final price of your procedure.


Patients may feel some discomfort following their breast reduction that can last for several days. Oral medication will be prescribed to alleviate any associated pain.

Woman in white bra and jeans

Frequently Asked Questions


General anesthesia is used for breast reduction surgery to ensure patient comfort and safety.


The extent of correction required will determine the type of incision used. Your incision may take on the appearance of an inverted key or an anchor shape. Generally, the incision will run around the areola and vertically down the lower breast tissue.


Excess breast tissue, skin, and fat are removed through the incisions. The remaining tissue may be lifted and shaped to improve the appearance and position of the breasts.


Women with larger breasts may feel that their areolas are too large or that their nipples have a downward projection. The nipple-areola complexes may be resized and repositioned to improve the overall aesthetic of the breasts.

Want to Learn More About Breast Reduction in Weston, FL?

If you are considering a breast procedure and would like to learn more about your breast reduction options in Weston, FL, call Dr. Messa at 954-659-7760 or 877-250-8117. You can also complete our online contact form to set up your consultation.

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