Neck Lift in Weston, FL

Neck muscles that have become weak or skin that sags from the jawline can prevent you from having a smooth, youthful appearance. Addressing a loose neck profile can restore graceful and attractive contours to the neck and jawline.
What Do You Desire?
Jawline Definition
Definition can be obscured at the jawline by excess skin and fat. For many patients, this lack of definition creates the appearance of a double chin or rounded face. A defined, chiseled jawline is improved by crafting overall facial beauty. While some correction can be achieved by treating the skin around the jawline, the neck lift specifically targets the sagging skin below the jawline for more dramatic results.
Smooth Neck
Vertical banding and wrinkles along the neck can significantly age your appearance. The careful draping process of the neck lift is designed to smooth away these unwanted signs of aging. Dr. Messa’s draping technique focuses on creating the most natural appearance while maintaining the youthful complexion you desire.
Slimmer Neck
Weak platysma muscles and excess tissue can cause the neck to appear short or bulky. A corset suture technique targets the weak platysma muscles, pulling them tight. Removing excess skin helps restore definition along the neck. The combination of these two techniques results in a slimmer, more graceful neck appearance.
Neck Lift Techniques

Traditional Neck Lift
- Depending on the technique chosen for your procedure, incisions may be placed behind the ears, under the chin, or in a combination of locations
- A corset platysmaplasty is performed on patients with weak neck muscles
- Excess skin is excised through the incisions
- The remaining tissue is gently draped
- Incisions are closed and bandaged
Neck Lift & Facelift
- A combination neck lift and facelift is designed to treat patients that have facial aging in the lower two-thirds of their face and down towards the neck
- These patients are typically looking to improve sagging of the lower face and neck
- Addressing both areas of aging will provide you with better, longer-lasting results
Neck Lift & Liposuction
- Liposuction can be added to any neck lift procedure to treat excess fat tissue
- Liposuction is ideal for treating fatty, double chins or for enhancing definition along the neck
- Most liposuction techniques use discreetly placed incisions that won’t result in any additional scarring
Schedule your consultation to find out if you’re a good candidate for Neck Lift.
Addressing Your Concerns
It is common to experience some bruising and swelling following neck lift surgery. Your neck may feel tight, but this sensation should subside within 24 to 48 hours. During the first week, you will rest in an elevated position to reduce swelling of the neck and face. During this time, you will wear a neck support garment to improve the quality of your results.
Most patients return to work within one to two weeks depending on the type of work they do. You will need to avoid strenuous physical activities for four weeks following your surgery. Your surgeon will advise when you can resume your regular exercise routine. Most swelling should subside after six weeks.
Most incisions used for neck lift surgery are placed behind the ears or under the chin. While some mild scarring may develop in these areas, it is rarely visible. Scarring that does develop is likely to fade over time.
Achieving natural, beautiful neck lift results requires the skill and dedication of your surgeon, and the cost of your neck lift may reflect this. The cost of each procedure is decided on a patient-by-patient basis because many factors can affect the price of your neck lift. Surgical fees, facility fees, anesthesia fees, and technique can all impact the final price of your procedure.
The tightening of your platysma muscles can result in some discomfort. Oral medication will be prescribed to alleviate any associated pain.

Frequently Asked Questions
What type of anesthesia is used for neck lift surgery?
Intravenous sedation is used for neck lift surgery to ensure patient comfort and safety. However, some patients will require the use of a general anesthetic.
Will a neck lift affect my ability to eat?
The process of swallowing may cause discomfort for a day or two, and you are usually restricted to a soft diet during this time as you recover from anesthesia. A neck lift will not have any lasting impact on your ability to eat or swallow.
How do I know if I need a combination procedure?
Dr. Messa may recommend a neck lift and facelift or neck lift and liposuction combination during your initial consultation. Since each procedure is tailored to the patient, the extent of each procedure used will vary between patients.
How can I prepare for my neck lift procedure?
You should stop smoking six weeks prior to your procedure and avoid taking blood thinning medications in the two weeks leading up to your procedure. Proper hydration and nutrition leading up to and following your procedure is important for your recovery.
How long will my results last?
Neck lift surgery is designed to provide long-lasting results. While the procedure doesn’t prevent future aging, most patients look significantly younger than their age for years following their surgery.
Want to Learn More About Neck Lift Surgery in Weston, FL?
If you are considering a face procedure and would like to learn more about your neck lift options in Weston, FL, call Dr. Messa at 954-659-7760 or 877-250-8117. You can also complete our online contact form to set up your consultation.